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Displaying Assets from the Blob Storage


This article provides information to resolve the issue of the asset folder (when configured as blob storage) not displaying the same content as the desired folder in the blob storage.





Although the Mapped Path field can be left empty when creating a folder in the Asset Manager (and setting the type to Azure), this will cause the created folder to show the entire content of the blob storage instead of a specific folder.




To filter a single folder from the Asset page to sync with a single folder from the blob storage, you can set the Mapped Path field to the name of the folder in your blob (Intranet, Knowledge Base, Learning & Development, Secure, Templates, or Users).

Ensure that you synchronize the folder to load all files and folders by clicking on the sync icon (syncicon.png) after opening the folder in DNN Assets.




After correctly setting a Mapped Path and synchronizing the contents of the asset folder, the content should display the same information as the mapped folder in the blob storage.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
