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Reporting on published and unpublished pages across all portals


As part of content management and curation, it's important to keep track of which pages are currently published and unpublished within a DNN instance. Although this can be done from Content > Pages, it's much easier to produce a full list via SQL query; especially if there are multiple portals within the instance. 


Requirements: SuperUser access to the DNN instance

NOTE: It's advisable to take a database backup before running any SQL queries. 

1. Log in to your DNN instance with SuperUser credentials.

2. Go to Persona Bar > Settings > SQL Console.


3. Depending on your needs, copy and paste one of the following queries into the SQL Console and click Execute.

  • To find all published pages:
SELECT TabName, TabPath, TabID, PortalID FROM vw_Tabs
WHERE HasBeenPublished = 1
AND TabPath NOT LIKE '%ContentPageTemplates%'
AND StateID IN (
SELECT StateID FROM ContentWorkflowStates WHERE StateName = 'Published')
  • To find all unpublished pages:
SELECT TabName, TabPath, TabID, PortalID FROM vw_Tabs
WHERE HasBeenPublished = 0
AND TabPath NOT LIKE '%ContentPageTemplates%'
OR StateID IN (
SELECT StateID FROM ContentWorkflowStates WHERE StateName != 'Published')

4. Once the output is shown, click on the Export button and select which format you'd like to export the results to. 



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
